A celebration of Life
It's never easy to say goodbye to those we love. Join us now as we remember those members who have passed on by celebrating their lives.
Christena Lundy
April 13, 1940-October 10, 2022
Chris was one amazing woman. She was one of the founders of the Highland Garden Civic Association and served as Vice President from 2007-2018 when she moved to be closer to family. Chris loved traveling, art, animals, and so much more. She was fun to be with and willing to help if you needed her but now it's time to say a sad goodbye. We will miss you.
Charles Towey
October 30, 1932-May 9, 2016
Charlie was the husband of Mary Towey. Mary was one of the original founders of the Highland Gardens Civic Association. Mary said Charlie loved to travel, and their travels took them to places like England, Alaska, and South America, just to name a few. Well, Charlie, sad to say, your traveling days are over, but now you can take a well deserved rest.
Jack Meharian
May 28, 2013
We were very sorry to hear about Jack's passing. He was one of the original founders of the Highland Gardens Civic Association taking on the task of Sgt. at Arms. Until he moved away, he was the cook for our National Nights Out and our tree planting projects. He was also a member of several plant societies with many of his floral arrangements for parties and special occasions winning awards in the US and overseas. He was a talented earthenware pottery creator showing his wares at plant shows as well. We're sorry to see you go, but you can rest now Jack. Your work is done.
Ian McCartney
Ian was an active member in so many things. He joined the associations, was a member of the masons, but the thing I remember Ian for was playing the bagpipes. He was my neighbor and lived across the street. At times, he would sit on his front porch in the evening and play those bagpipes. It was a beautiful sound. He will be missed.
Jo Murphy
July 20, 1937-August 7, 2011
Jo was quite a "Lady". Actually, a lot of people called her "Lady Jo". Even though Jo might have been a lady, she liked to fish and play pool. She was active in the association by making phone calls and doing whatever was asked of her. Jo was cancer free for 10 years and lived life to the fullest. She was amazing.
Raymond Lay
April 13, 1943-Aug. 25, 2011
Raymond was the husband of Pat Lay, one of the founders of the Highland Garden Civic Association. He was what you might call a home body because he wasn't much for going out, but he did like to fish. He was a hard worker and he will be missed by his family, friends, and co-workers.