[ Twelfth Step Prayer ]
My spiritual awakening continues to unfold.
The help I have received I shall pass on
and give to others, both in and out of the Fellowship.
For this opportunity I am grateful.
I pray most humbly to continue walking day by day
on the road of spiritual progress.
I pray for the inner strength and wisdom to practice
the principles of this way of life in all I do and say.
I need You, my friends, and the Program every hour of every day.
This is a better way to live.
Are You ready to 'PASS IT ON' . . . what we have been . . . So Freely Given ?
a) "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,... Pages 89-96,
b) ...and to practice these principles in all our affairs." Pages 96-103.
2) Audio: 'Step 12' mp3 (17 min) listen/burn here
This Step contains Three major parts:
*Having had a spiritual awakening...
*Practice these principles in all our affairs...
*Carry this message...
The 12&12's Step 12 might be considered as a "check list" for self evaluation of one's
recovering condition. This extra measure of rigorous honesty of one's self may be
surprising. We can benefit much by careful contemplation of each comment about
inter-personal relations, motives, etc.....
1. Do you believe you are beginning to experience a spiritual awakening, a 'Personality Change', in your life?
2. Was it as a result of the Eleven previous Steps?
3. Can I describe how this 'spiritual awakening' (personality change) came about and how did it change me?
4. Am I ready to carry This Message to other alcoholics?
5. What do you think are the requirements for a Twelfth Step call. How important is a successful outcome?
6. Do you agree that "every man...can get well regardless of anyone. The only condition is that he 'Trust God, Clean House and Help Others.'"?
7. Do you believe it is necessary for us to share our experience, strength and hope with other alcoholics? How can this be done?
8. What has changed the most in your life?
9. What part does 'Anonymity' play in Step 12?
10. Are you ready to Sponsor someone to Pass It On and carry . . .
*It is suggested you read these Big Book Chapters below, to conclude your Step Study.
Chapter 8, "To Wives" (BB-Pg. 104);
Chapter 9, "The Family Afterwards" (BB-Pg. 122);
Chapter 10, "To Employers" (BB-Pg. 136);
Chapter 11, "A Vision for You" (BB-Pg. 151).
A reading of the last paragraph of "A Vision for You" on page 164, is a fitting way to complete Your Big Book Step Study 'Process.'
"Abandon yourself to God as You Understand God... Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows... Clear away the wreckage of your past.... Give freely of what you find and join us.... We shall be with you in the 'Fellowship of the Spirit'... and you will surely meet some of us... as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny.
May God Bless You And Keep You - Until Then".....
*This is the 3rd of 3 Daily Steps that should, ...'For Our Lifetime'... become part of each day to increase our Spititual Growth as we continue on our journey seeking that 'Inner Peace' . . . SERENITY...
In Fellowship... _______________________________
Call Anytime... (H) ___________________________
(C) ___________________________
*Any Additional Questions Or Comments...