A Prayer From One Who Is Willing, but does not yet believe.

I want desperately to refrain from using alcohol and all other drugs.

I am willing to follow the path taken by those who are already sober.
They say I must come to believe in a Spiritual Power.
I would like to do that. So, here I go...

It is not for me to say if there is a God or not.
I do not know of your existence.
I ask that you reveal yourself to me.
I do not know your name.

Please tell me what to call You.
I do not know your nature.
Please help me to not worry about that right now.
I do not know your church.

I have no need for religion.
Please help me not to be concerned with theology until, if ever,
You think it is important to me.
I do not know how to pray.
Please teach me.

I ask that my prejudice about things spiritual be removed.
I ask that you show me how to be willing to accept the reality that is You.
Help me to learn from those who already know You.
Above all, though, at this time, keep me sober.

May this be the beginning of my knowing You.
Help me to be willing always to see and know You.
Let me see Your works.
Let me be open to Your working within me.

I invite You to be alive within me. Please show me Your path for me.
Please show me how to remove the barriers that separate me from You.
Please turn me in the right direction, and Please prod me gently to move toward You.

Help me to pray better next time, and Let that be soon.

author unknown