Step 3 and The GOD Thing ? ? ?
It is probably the most misunderstood Step,
and a road block for many of us on our
'Spiritual Journey' to recovery...

Step 3: "Made a Decision to turn our Will (thinking) and our Lives (actions) over to the care of God (a spirit) as we understood Him." ('TODAY')

1st. Only a 'Decision' to try and find a Vehicle to Communicate with a Higher Power, as you understood Him/Her, Or It, for Today. ( as you continue on your journey )

2nd. Our 'Will,' nothing more than Learning to change our Thinking just for Today. ( as you continue on your journey )

3rd. Our 'Lives,' nothing more than Learning to change our Actions just for Today. ( as you continue on your journey )

4th. Over to the care and direction of God (a spirit) 'As We Understood Him/Her/or It', and direct my thinking just for Today. ( as you continue on your journey )

.....Consider in early recovery the Spirit of Your Conscience, as a 'Vehicle' to communicate with a Higher Power ... as you understand Him ... Or Don't understand Him... It dwells in each of us, with few exceptions. We just have to Learn to Listen. The words ... Conscious,... Conscience,... and Consciousness,... are contained Seventeen times in the Basic Text of our Big Book, through page 164...

All Action ...'Is Born'... In Thought !

Keep It Simple

Your Free Will and The GOD Thing . . . . . Perhaps... For now . . . Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide . . . while You 'Promptly' continue on to your Step 4 Inventory.

''Though our Decision was a vital and crucial step, it could have Little Permanent Effect unless 'At Once' followed by a strenuous effort to face, and to be rid of, the things in ourselves which had been blocking us.
"Our Liquor Was But A Symptom." So we had to get down to causes and conditions.
Therefore, we started upon a personal inventory. This was Step Four. . .
(Big Book, Page 64)

With the knowledge of the above, this May Be all You need to complete Step 3.