Down From the Attic

The 12th Month
by Mewsette
The months follow each other year after year, in perfect order; we can always depend on that. The seasons do the same all year, just like they should. Our world is pretty orderly, when you look at it that way. Then the years go by the same way. You may not have seen many of them do it yet, but I have, so you can take my word for it. Really!
Now this one is about to end, and it's the 12th month. That's all we get, 12. I hope we all have a joyful holiday season, and that goes by fast, too. Then a brand new year will start, and off we go again!
This New Year's Day will be the 19th one I've seen. I wonder if it might be nice to stay here in the 12th month, old like the year but timeless. I like winter and snow, it might be a good place to stay. I'm loved and secure, my house is warm, and I like cocooning.
In the 12th month, we know what happened this year. Nothing is uncertain, it's all done. Okay, we say, so that was it, and we'd like to say it was a good one, too. I always wonder on New Year's Eve if we are celebrating the old year being over or the new one beginning; which do you think?
In the 12th month, we may look back on what we did this year with pride, or with plans to do better, or we may not give it a passing thought. We may think Why is it over? I'm not done with it yet! I tend to complain, wait! I wasn't even done with February and what happened to September, anyway?! Wait a minute! I sleep a lot, did I miss any? The answer must be no, because it's over.
Okay, I'll say. That's fine. Over is over. You're gonna start a new one anyway, so go ahead. You won't mind if I just stay here in the 12th month, right? I kinda like it here, I'm used to it. Think I could get away with that? And the orderly world might say, Suit yourself, we'll go on without you and you can catch up later when you come down from the attic.