Mewsette and E.T. begin da ceremony by lighting memorial candles for Mewsette's mama BamBam and E.T.'s sisfur Smokey.
Queen Tissy:
Friends, we are gathered here today to witness the joining together of E.T. and Mewsette in holy wedwink. This is a joyful occasion, but not entered into lightly. The bride and groom wish to give each other their own vows. E.T., you may begin.
I, E.T., knowing in my heart that you will be a faithful friend, and a true and loving companion, take mew, Mewsette, to be my wedwink, to haff and to hold from this day forward, in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I giff mew my whole heart, and pledge my faithfulness to mew. I will luff, honor and cherish mew all the days of my life.
I, Mewsette, wif a joyful heart full of luff, take mew, E.T., to be my
wedwink, to haff and to hold from this day forward, in good times or sad times, and in all the seasons to come. I gif mew my whole heart, and pledge my faithfulness to mew. I will luff, honor and cherish mew all the days of my life. I promise nothing can efur part us, and I will always be wif mew, my only luff. I belong to mew furefur and efur.
Queen Tissy:
E.T., you may put the ring on the bride's paw.
Mewsette, you may put the ring on the groom's paw.
E.T. and Mewsette:
Wiff this ring I wedwink mew and pledge my luff to mew furefur.
Queen Tissy:
E.T., do you take Mewsette to be your lawful wedwink from this
day forward?
E.T.: I do.
Queen Tissy: Mewsette, do you take E.T. to be your lawful wedwink from this
day forward?
Mewsette: I do.
Queen Tissy: Then I now pronounce you wedwinked. Whom I have joined together, let nothing ever part. E.T., you may kiss your bride.
