Mewsette: Is my veil okay in back? Where's my shoes? Are the guests all here?
Ginger: Yes, it's purrfect now. Shoes. eeek! We better all get dem on, an our headdresses, too.
Phelicity I think the guests are all seated. Sisfur, mew's the most beautipurr bride. Are mew ready?
Mewsette: My heart is singin a song called Ready. Haf mew got E.T.'s ring?
Phelicity: I gots it right here. Mew got your somethin old, somethin borrowed...?
Mewsette: Yes, I've got my mama's old bracelet on and your liddle necklace I borrowed.
Ginger: And something blue?
Mewsette: Got my blue Bride hanky that E.T. gave me...did mew say mew haf his ring?
Phelicity: Yes, see? *mewgiggles* I thought mew was gonna be so calm.
Mewsette: This is calm. Belief me. See my garter? That's fur somethin new. But I'm new all ofur, I'm so in luff.
Ginger: I know. The mewsic's starting! Here's our bouquets, an here is yours, big sisfur.
Phelicity: Okay, we go furst an then mew follow. Here's a kiss fur mew.
Ginger: An another from me. Let's go.
