
E.T.: At last!
We found da ferris wheel! Let's go fur a ride.
Ginger: Oh yes, dat'll be
fun! It doesn't look too skeery.
Phelicity: But we just found da cotton
candy, too. I'll hurry.

E.T.: Dis
is great. Mew can't haff a fair wiffout funnel cakes.
Ginger: Mmmmm,
dey's so sugary an good.
Phelicity: An gooey an yummy. Wow, am I
Ginger: Me too. After dis yumminess, I can't eat anoffur
Phelicity: Me neiffur.
E.T.: I can't belief my

What a wonderpurr fair! I hope mew girls had as good a time as I did!
Ginger: Oh, I had da bestest time! Dis was da funnest
Phelicity: Me too! What a purrfect day! (whispurr) Mew think we can
make it to da car?
Ginger: (whispurr) I think we better try real hard.
E.T.: Mewhehe! Mew girls want some help wiff dem ducks?
Phelicity: Oh thank mew but we dasn't let loose. *mewgiggles*
Ginger: I got a purrdy good grip here. *mewgiggles*
Gertie: Quaack.
Myrtle Mae: Quaack!

Here's a
souvenir fur mew, enjoy!