E.T.: I bet mew
girls are gettin hungry, right?
Ginger: I'm starfin, let's get some
tickets to buy some food.
Phelicity: Der's so much to choose from, how
can we decide?
Ginger: I'm gonna follow my nose. It's goin dis
Phelicity: Me too, mine is goin dat way.
E.T.: I think I see
a ... where'd dey go?

E.T.: Da pizza
sure smells good, I'm gonna try da sausage an catnip. I bet da girls will want
some, too.

Ginger: Oh
goodie, chicken wings! I'll get two buckets so I can share

Wowies, pork chops on a stick, what a great idea! Wait till da offurs see dese.
I wonder how many I can carry.