time fur da County Fair! Oboy! So first, Phelicity and Ginger calmly collected
their furry own
ducks at da park, Gravel Gertie and Myrtle Mae. "We's
entering mew in da fair", da girls quietly
explained to da cooperative liddle
Gertie and Myrt only needed a liddle chas.... er, convincing.

We was at
da fair early to get our ducks all settled down to be admired.
E.T. was findin other fun things to do, like....... Eeeeeek!

Da first
afternoon, in da Girls' Building, da judging of Baking exhibits took
Phelicity entered her buttercake and Ginger entered her pawprint sugar
Dey was so deelishus, dey both won a First Prize!

Close by in
da Garden tent, E.T. entered his biggest and best catnip plant.
Oh my, dat
was da biggest one dey efur saw! E.T. won da blue ribbon fur dat!
I wonder
if he'll tell his secret fur growing it so big.
Come on in wiff us to
spend da whole day and see efurything!