BamBam September 6, 1982-May 6, 2002

Dear BamBam,
We will miss you so much dear furriend. We will take good care of your family down here. Until we meet again sweet girl--- Love, Maggie, Levi & Flo
As we bid a sad farewell to BamBam, we give thanks that we had the pleasure of knowing her. Dearly loved by her family and friends, she was also admired and respected by her peers. She was a most honorable cat whose age did not prevent her from achieving her goals. At Rainbow Bridge, BamBam will be forever young and forever in our hearts.
Shibui & Family

Your enthusiasm was always so high, jumping into monthly activities with the vim and vigor of a kitten. Truly a kitty of the world, having seen so much in your 19 plus years. All of us at Cats Worldwide will miss you and we will always remember you. To your family, we send our heartfelt purrs, knowing they miss you so much, but comforted by the thought of you feeling like a kitten again, playing and romping at Rainbow Bridge. Caring purrs,
Cats Worldwide Guild

Our deepest purrs and prayers go to Mewsette, Phelicity and her human Mommy. BamBam will always be remembered for her loyalty not only to CLAW but as a brave, regal princess. We know she is whole and healthy at the Bridge and will be waiting for the day she can be with her family again not only in spirit but in presence.
Zena, Scraps, Neek and Mommy Nancy
Wednesday, 22-May-02 10:38:26 EDT