BamBam September 6, 1982-May 6, 2002
My BamBam was a medium-haired tri-color tabby and white lady with large, luminous, hazel-gold eyes. Some might call her a calico, but she had some stripes she was proud of, and considered herself unique. She was right. She was a member of my family at home longer than any humans had been, and my mainstay for over 19 years.
She had several families of kittens in her youth, but she spent the rest of her life running mine. After she became ill with Chronic Renal Failure at 18, our lives changed drastically. Sometimes she seemed very near the Bridge, but with her characteristic stubborness, she wouldn't go. Several times she crashed, and rallied, and refused to leave me. I know she believed I couldn't muddle through life without her.
My BamBam had a magnificent heart, and the strongest, most indomitable spirit I ever saw in a cat. She passed her 19th birthday, and took on an ethereal beauty, a pale golden aura. She wasn't in pain; she was just in a long transition. I waited for her to tell me when she was ready to go. When the time came, it came swiftly. She told me at 10:00 one Friday night. The following Monday, May 6, 2002, at 3:55 in the afternoon, she crossed Rainbow Bridge peacefully, in my arms. She was 19 years and 8 months old.
BamBam, my brave, loving, stubborn old sweetheart, what a hole you left in my life. But yes, I feel your angel wings fluttering in my heart, precious girl. As long as I live, so do you. I love you. Your Mom
BamBam was my beautiful, beloved furmother. She was so loving, so brave and good, I hope that I shall be half as brave and good as she was. I miss her awfully, I was so blessed to have her by my side for all my 16 years. So I will not be sad for her, because I know she is young and strong again and free from pain in the beautiful place where she is. She is with my papa again, and my brofurs, and I know they welcomed her like the queen she is. I know that old friends from CLAW who went before her were there to greet her. I'm glad she is at peace now. Oh my BamBam, I love you forever,
from your Mewsette.
I had my Auntie BamBam all my life. I loved her and respected her as the Matriarch of the cat family I came into. She was a strict old lady cat, but she was so dear and funny, too. In her last days I watched how brave and determined she was, I purred for her, and she let me lay by her much more than she used to. She was such a dear, sweet kitty, with so much love in her. My dear Auntie BamBam, I love you too, from Phelicity.
Faithful, hardworking, true...these all describe bambam. Sweet and kind also describe her. I will miss her a great deal in CLAW. Queen Midnight
We have known this sweet kitty furmily for nearly two years now, and met BamBam through her sisfurs Phelicity and Mewsette. Sadly, BamBam had suffered for awhile from chronic kidney failure and was very brave and very determined to live. She was so lucky to have a meowmie who sought out the best medical care and who was her private duty nurse for many, many months. Her daughter Mewsette and kitty niece Phelicity were kind and supportive and attentive! BamBam was a wonderful mama kitty and raised responsible, upright, talented kittens. We have not ever known a kitty who had attained this many years and the wisdom that accompanied them. Our sincerest condolences, purrs and headbonks go out to meowmie Sharon, Mewsette and Phelicity.
Many caring purrs from Charlie, Meggie, Cindy, Tommy and meowmie Pat

To BamBam,
We will all miss you, you were such a grand dame of CLAW and we are purroud to call you furriend. We know you are feeling fine now, no more pains and able to frolic as a kitten again. We send our best purrs to your supurr family, this is so hard for them, and we know they will miss you so very much. You will always be in our hearts, and we are so glad that we got to know you.
Very caring purrs,
Spyder, MGD & BlackJack
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