The Beautifur Me
This is one of my earliest grown-up pictures when I was almost a year old.
I was furry young in this picture, a mere kitten!
I was only about 2 years old here, because I nefur sleep in such undignified positions any more. Well, hardly efur. This was my first adopted pillow. After I wore it out, I adopted another one. I am on my third pillow now. They don't last as long as I do!
This was at 3 or 4 years old, at the old house in Texas where I was born.
I was about 6 in this one. Don't I look regal on a leopard background?
This is not undignified. I just like to sleep upside down. Plus I know when I look cute!
Now I am older
and these next pictures are on the mountain where we lived. I had become an indoor kitty. This is me playing with a great new toy the winter I was 11 years old!
Profile of a Queen. I was almost 12 years old in this one.
At 13 in the house I live in now, with my catnip lammie.
Here I am sleeping in my basket. I take lots of naps!
This is one of my furry newest pictures. I am stretching and showing off. See why Mom says I am the Marilyn Monroe of cats? (I am modest too.)
Looking out the front door and feeling the breeze. I am 14 years old now.
And this is my closeup in my new emeralds, jewels fit fur a Queen such as I. And they match my eyes too! Aren't I beautifur in emeralds?
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