We are BamBam the Queen Mother, Mewsette Queen of the Universe, and Phelicity, Princess of the Realm and Queen Apparent. That's right, 3 queens in the same house! How did this happen? Come on in and we'll tell you all about it!
It all started on a rooftop.....
| That's me, BamBam, as a 6 week old kitten. Yes, I was born on a rooftop in the mountains of Arkansas in 1982. I lived there in the deep woods with my human mom until I was about 2. My, that was a long time ago! I will be 19 years old this year. |
How does a perfectly lovely female cat get a ridiculous name like BamBam, you may ask. Yes, you may. I will only say that I suppose I earned it in my youth, and my record for demolition of screen doors and Christmas trees probably still stands.
This is me at some more recent time. My memory is not what it once was, but I was about 13. I do have a bit of arthritis these days at my advanced age, but I have a good life. You can tell by my...er, healthy girth, which we shall not mention again. | |
My Special Family
| On the 4th day of the 4th month in 1986 I gave birth to 4 kittens under the house in the floorboards. Mom had quite a time getting us all out, let me tell you! But I thought that was better than a roof! The boys were Rusty Morris Bamson, the red kitten, and Blynken Panda ben Sacha, the white with black, named after his father, Papa-san Sacha ben Patches. | Sacha was my dear love, who sadly disappeared shortly before the kittens were born.
The girls were Patchy Pebbles Bamtoo, buried in my fur here, who was not with us for long, and Misty Mewsette Chantoo, who you see with her tiny head up, already planning how to become Queen. She is still with us today, sassy as ever and a loving, caring daughter to me.
Mrrow! I am Mewsette!
I was born in Texas, and this is a picture of me when I was almost a year old. I grew up purrty, didn't I? I am the talkative one in our house, so I will haf furry lots to say! And of course I did become the Queen! | |
| I was a purrty wild kitty in my youth, and furry rarely as quiet as I look here. The first half of my life, I was allowed outdoors and, oh my, I used to get into trouble! There are bad things efurywhere |
outside, like fleas, and stickers that get in your fur, and dogs that chase you, and electric fences, and bad people who don't like kitties, too.I had a good time hunting mice in those days - I was the best and fastest huntress efur! - and camping out with the chickens, and I liked the sunshine and the cool breezes. But I must admit, since I became an indoor cat, I haf been much more comfortable and content. I nefur get too hot or too cold and I nefur get a flea. I am always safe now. That's how I haf lived to be 14 years old!
I haf always, of course, been the most graceful of cats and nefur been caught in an embarrassing position in my life. When one is a great beauty, one must nefur be undignified! This is my first pillow that I wore out a long time ago and, er, I guess that must be me on it. But I was only about 2. A mere kitten.
| Just see how elegant and regal I was at 6 years old! What more could you ask fur in a cat? There were 4 of us cats then, me, my brothers and mother BamBam, and you wouldn't think our mom would need any more, would you? Well, meeowrr, guess what happened! |
Phelicity Marie Dauphine joined our family!
Mew! It's about time I got to say hello! My name is Phelicity, and I am a Bluepoint Birman. Our mom found me and brought me home when I was a 4 month old show kitten. She had been looking fur a Birman kitten fur a long time. In fact, she had almost decided on another kitten! But then she looked down the showhall aisle and saw me, and I saw her at the same moment. She came running to my cage and I stood up on my hind legs to reach fur her. We knew instantly that we belonged together furefur and efur! That picture of me above was taken at one of my shows on my furst birthday.
I was only a show cat fur one season, till I won my Championship at my home show in Texas. Do you know I efen won "Best Cat" once? Since then, I haf gotten to stay home and just be one of the girls. I like that much better. |
It was furry hard fur me to get accepted by the other cats when I first came, especially the girls, who were furry jealous! The boy cats crossed Rainbow Bridge when I was still furry young, and I haf tried hard to be sweet to my "Aunties" and easy to get along with all my life. We girls do purrty well now. It is just not easy fur 3 Queens to live in the same house! See the Next Page!
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