Left to right: Ernie, E.T., Bentley, Patches, Booboo, Moke
Yoww, let's go where all da tappin Lets
dem know dat we're not nappin..... We'll be hits Puttin on da
In our stripes an fancy pants an Rakish hats we'll
come out dancin Canes in mitts, Puttin on da
Dressed up like a million dollar feline.. Efury girl
is gonna make a beeline .. to be mine
Watch da girls, how
dey gets happy When us fellas dress all snappy... Purrfect
fits... Puttin on da Ritz ........ Have you heard about da
cats Who dress old-timey, wearin spats, Dey could dance like
Fred Astaire, Bigger feet and lots more hair
Some cats are
always movin.. Hey boys, we're good at groovin.... We do good
on a dare, We got talent to spare.... Lookit dat talent
there! ............ Now we're dancin like da pro's do, See
us prancin same as those do, What a blitz, Puttin on da
Now da girls are makin eyes an Watchin us, ain't dat
surprisin, We're such hits .. Puttin on da Ritz
Tip da
hat and whisper somethin witty, Tell da girl in ruffles she looks
pretty.. What a kitty!
You can see da show-biz
nightlife Beats da nappin.... it's da right life Dance it,
Fritz! Puttin on da Ritz
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