Fur the conclusion of our ballet purrformances, first we are dancing as the Dewdrop Fairy (Phelicity) and the Sugarplum Fairy (Ginger) from the Nutcracker Ballet. This ballet has been purrformed by kitties before.
In another scene from the Sleeping Beauty Ballet, Ginger is the Lilac Fairy and Phelicity is the Rose Fairy.
Our final ballet is from The Song of the Nightingale.
Ginger dances the mechanical nightingale that found favor with the Emperor, and Phelicity dances the real nightingale that was banished. The ballet is from a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, and it did have a happy ending.
Phelicity and Ginger plan to open the Princess Dance Studio, exclusively fur kitties, furry soon! We will be offering classes in sefurral kinds of dance, including classical ballet, tap dancing, modern dance and Latin dances. If mew would like to attend classes or come to the studio to practice your dancing, be watching fur our announcement!
UPDATE: The Grande Opening of the Princess Dance Studio has come! Click on our card to find out all about it:
Thank mew furry much fur coming! We hope mew will leaf your pawprint in our guestbook!