The Kitty Angels

by Mewsette

On a glorious Christmas Night,
The Kitty Angels come,
To sing of blessings joyful, bright,
And loudly, rum-te-tum!

God rest ye, loving humankind,
Who make our lives so dear,
We sing you glorias as one mind,
We sing you love and cheer!

God rest ye, little cats on earth,
And bless the ones in need,
As we sing the Holy Babe's birth,
His help for you we plead!

For on this night, when legend says
No animal is dumb,
But each one worships, sings and prays,
The Kitty Angels come.

(This poem was written by Mewsette in 2001 for the CLAW Postcards site. She was told that her poem, with this picture, was the most-sent card that Christmas.)