Is that E.T. diving under the water?

He sees a lot of fish close up and some beautiful coral beds.

He meets a big Bahamas sea turtle.


E.T.: Girls, hurry an get ready fur dinner! I gotta show mew somethin!

Phelicity: Did mew catch a scuba?

E.T.:, but I saw lotsa purrdy things I wanna show mew.

Ginger: Under da WATER???

E.T.: No, honest, mew won't get wet! It's a restaurant I saw.

Ginger: Oh good, I'm starffin... what was da scubas?

Phelicity: He won't say what da scubas is! We needs time to dress up....

E.T.: No, dis is a casual place, I juss need a dry shirt.

Ginger: We brought skirts, let's get one on quick.

E.T.: Hurry, mew are gonna luff dis!

E.T.: See? We can see da fish swimmin juss like we was in da water wiff dem.

Ginger: Wow, dis is amazing! What's dem big white squiggley things?

Phelicity: *mewgiggles* I nefur saw such funny-lookin fish!

E.T. I think dey are stingrays. Mew don't wanna get close to one of dem.

Ginger: Nope, not me. An dis is a restaurant? I luff it!

Phelicity: It's like a giant aquarium outside! So can we see any scubas?

E.T.: Mewhehe! Here, sit down. I'll pull up another chair an tell mew all about scubas.

Ginger: An we'll order dinner, right?