The kitties hit the beach right away

E.T.: Here's another beach towel. I'm gonna take off my shoes an wiggle my toes in da sand.

Phelicity: Me too! An I better get my sunglasses on. Where is dey?

Ginger: I see our sunglasses, I'll get dem. Here, catch da ball!

E.T. Wait, I'll run down dat way. Throw me da ball!

Ginger: Lookit, dat big one gots a liddle creature in it.

E.T.: Lemme see. Yup, dis conch shell is da creature's house.

Phelicity: Ohhh... we hasta leaf it here, den. We can't take his house! An him!

Ginger: Dis liddle one is empty, da creature might haff ran away.

E.T.: I sure would like to see dem moving under da water.

Phelicity: Mew mean moving to anoffur shell?

E.T.: No.... I mean floating around where dey are at home, I guess.

Ginger: Dat means getting wet.

Phelicity: Yup, sounds wet to me, too.

Ginger: Oh, isn't dis nice!

Phelicity: Da tables is right on da beach!

E.T.: Dis is sure a purrfect way to haff dinner on an island.

Ginger: I saw da sign, dey got all kinds of seafood.

Phelicity: Oh wow, we can hear da ocean while we has dinner.

E.T.: I like dis table right here. We can see all da stars.

E.T.: Wowsers, what a great fountain dey got around back.

Ginger: Isn't dis gorgeous! *slurp* Can we haff da umbrella from yer drink, E.T.? We're collecting dem.

E.T.: Sure. I'll do all I can to help yer collection, mewhehe!

Phelicity: Mmmmm.... *slurp* I luffs liddle umbrellas .... Oooh, dey's bringin our dinner to dat table we picked!

E.T.: I hope da lobsters are big. Dey catch dem right here off Cat Island.
