E.T.: I think dis is where da light was coming from. Dis is strange.

Ginger: What's up dem steps, juss a curtain?

Phelicity: I can't tell how fur it goes. Let's look behind.

E.T.: I don't see any openings in here but back da way we came.

Ginger: It seems so foggy in here! I'll come up an look, too.

Phelicity: I think it's cofuring a corner or somethin .. eek!

Ginger: What is it? Eee...E.T., c'mere!

Phelicity: Oh my! Who lights dem candles? *shiffur*

E.T.: Lookit, dey aren't lit. It's some kinda liddle bulbs... except .... dey aren't bulbs.

Ginger: More like bright liddle stones. How do dey shine?

Phelicity: Is dat da same c-c-curtain? Did we go up or down from da steps?

E.T.: I'm not sure myownself. It got taller in here. Here's a big pot of some kind.

Phelicity: Oooh...let's look in dere! Will da lid come off?

Ginger: ... furry weird stones. Dey's not efen warm....

E.T.: Der's a ledge up high to search, too.

Phelicity: Mew could stand on da pot to reach, it's empty.

Ginger: ...but none of dem is purple. *sigh*

Yer getting closer