Phelicity plays Marilyn's role of Pola in How To Marry A
"Dis was just befur Pola went Splat! into
da wall cuz she didn't haf her glasses on. It was furry good
Ginger stars as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind
"How in da world did dey wear all dem long dresses an
petticoats when it was so hot! I wouldda passed out, but dey had
fans blowin."
Phelicity also has Marilyn's part in There's No Business Like
Show Business
"I was crazy bout my blue gown! We all
did dis mewsical number sefural times so I could wear it longer.
It wasn't cuz I furgot da words."
Ginger performs the starring role in Hello Dolly
"Der was forty-leven boys in dis scene, all singin "Hello
Dolly" to me. I'm not sure why dey disappeared, but dey did complain
dat der tuxes had too many tails."
Phelicity plays the starring role in The Prince and the
"I spent half dis movie waitin fur da
Prince. He was wearin a monocle, I doesn't think he could see
me. He sure missed a lot, didn't he?"
Ginger stars as Maria in The Sound of
"What a wonderpurr role dis was! Dey had a tall, luffly mountain where I could get away from da seven
childr... uh.. where I could sing."
Phelicity stars as Annie Oakley in Annie Get Your Gun
"I luffed dis role! It was furry demanding, tho. I learnt to
target shoot, an once I really hit somethin. Unfortunately, it was da director's hat."
Ginger stars as Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner's
"Dis was such a fun part. I luffed wearin
cowgirl costumes, an I did my own singin, too. Don't ask about da guitar playin."
Phelicity plays Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady
"Here is da star's fafurite scene. In dis scene she didn't
fall down, didn't purrnounce her words wrong, and didn't gotta
Ginger is starring here as Mary Poppins
role was so fun! I got to fly wiff a umbrella, get all dressed up to
go to da park, an learned a new word.
Supercatta..supercalico..nefur mind."
Phelicity plays a difficult role in King Kong
"I hadda be furry brave fur dis part! I screeched an howled
a lot. An it wasn't acting. Tho my acting was furry
Ginger as the star of Auntie Mame
"Da star prefurs to be shown on da movie poster. Offurwise,
she wouldda been holding a squirmy kitten in short pants named
Phelicity plays Sandy in Grease
"I luffed dis
role but I do think da wardrobe could be improved. I mostly went
around in poodle skirts. An I wasn't too happy wif how dis costume
fur the finale smooshed my fluffy tail flat!"

Ginger plays the Indian girl in Dances With
"Dis was a serious part, an I did furry well.
Der was a teeny problem wiff my name, but we changed it to Runs on Toes."
Phelicity in the starring role of Cleopatra
"Dis role was made fur me. I was a natural Queen of da Nile.
Nokitty but me could efur play her. I knew dat da minit I saw dat gorgeous blue gown."

Ginger is Glinda, the good witch, in The Wizard of Oz
"I had a wonderpurr time in dis movie an made lotsa new
friends. Da tin man, da scarecrow, dey were all so nice. I juss
wasn't fond of dat basket wiff da mew-know-what in it."
Next, the Acatemy Awards! May I haff da envelope

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