We came up to Cat Mountain Lodge fur the weekend. It's so purrty up here in the Fall, an a great place to get away fur the peaceful weekend we all wanted. We had a great birffday party fur Ginger here, too! (See link on page 2) Mewsette: Look darlin, see why I wanted to come back to the mountain? E.T.: It sure is colorful. Da nights are gonna be chilly. We can look around fur some wood fur da fireplaces. Mewsette: I do luff fires! Are the girls takin the food inside? E.T.: Yup, dey want to be sure dey know where it all is, mewhehe! Phelicity: I gots the hungries after the long drive up here, doesn't mew? Ginger: I'm starffin! I'm gonna put da kettle on fur some nice catnip tea while we wait fur E.T. an Mewsette. Phelicity: Here, we can eat fried chicken while we puts stuff away. Let's put dem pies where we can find dem..... Ginger: ....in da dark? *mewgiggles* Wonder which bag da ham is in. It's wonderpurr to be back! It's our furst time back as wedwinks, so E.T. an I got the big bedroom wif the fireplace. It sure is cozy fur a cold night! We hadda clean it out a bit furst, party shoes, tiaras, petrified shrimps, champagne glasses, flat balloons ..... Phelicity and Ginger like the corner room. The stairs outside the door go right down to the kitchen, which is somehow purrfect, mewhehe! Ginger: Oh, it's nice in here! We got plenny of room, extra blankies, an lotsa snackies. Phelicity: Yup, I'm glad we's right upstairs from the kitchen. My goodness, lookit how long these sleeves is! Ginger: I luff our fluffy new robes. Here, we can roll dem up. Did Mewsette tell mew bout yer lost shoe? Phelicity: I couldn't belief that! My shoe I lost on New Year's Eve was in the freezer all the time! Ginger: Yeah, but I wonder how it got dere. Don't mew rememfur? Phelicity: Nope. It had mirangues in it from the baked Alaska, tho.... that sure was some party. Next morning our sisfurs was up early makin sausage biskits fur breakfast while us sleepyhead wedwinks was dawdlin ofur our creamy coffee. Now my luff found some eggs, guess what I'm gonna make him. His fafurite, creamy cheesy scrambled eggs. Phelicity and Ginger haf been down at the bridge all day, an they think there's somethin strange down there.... we'll all go see tomorrow. But we're all starffin again right now! Tonight E.T. wants to be the chef an cook us some steaks fur dinner. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. He knows to just wave mine ofur the fire till it says ouch. We're gonna watch movies an eat popcorn an play cards, an we brought our dart board, too. Mewhehe! It's been a luffly day! We made hot buttered nipz toddies, an E.T. is gonna build a fire now. Click NEXT fur tomorrow! NEXT |