
One day Ginger and I were leaving the Tearoom thru the garden, when we listened, and looked, and realized we were not alone. There were soooo many purrdy birds in the garden!

We had just had a luffly snack ourselfs of catnip tea and crumpets wif butter an cream, yummmm. The birds seemed hungry and we wanted
to feed the birds too, but we ate all our crumpets. So we ran to get
some birdseed from the gardener.

We was so enchanted while we was feeding the birds, we lost track of time! We furgot all about meeting Mewsette and E.T. fur dinner.

They came looking fur us in the garden, but I'm sure they dawdled a liddle along the way. They just got wedwinked, mew know. *mewgiggles* They must haf heard all the birds' noise when they came lookin fur where Mewsette left her hat.

They came to see what the noise was. Look! We've been feeding the birds!