Scenes from Christmas 2005 Thank mew, E.T., fur our luffly poinsettias. Phelicity wants to put hers here, too. We found this old-fashunt sled one day, an had so much fun in the snow! We was singin bout the 12 Days of Christmas, an my true luff wanted to gif to me like that, but he knew all them birds wasn't a good idea, hehe! An all them humans doin crazy stuff wasn't eiffur. Then he came to the part about "5 golden rings". An that's what my true luff gave to me. (He got lots more than 5 kisses fur that, too!) Christmas Eve we all got dressed up to go out fur a formal holiday dinner. Our furmily portrait on Christmas Day. Come to our furmily Christmas page right here E.T. and Mewsette, the furst Noel. Look, my luff gave me the most precious gifts. This is my mistletoe preserfed in gold, fur our furst Christmas together as wedwinks. It means there was lotsa kissin goin on, too. An holdin paws all the time, that's what my special sweet mittens are fur. No matter how cold it gets, my paws are nefur cold any more. They's nefur lonesome, neiffur. Ginger gave us this luffly, romantic champagne picnic basket. I can hardly wait fur the furst warm day, so we can sneak off wif it. And Phelicity: Lookit what I gots! This beautipurr mewsic box wif ballet slippers on is from E.T.. It plays the Nutcracker Ballet. Did mew know I danced the Dewdrop Fairy in that? And Ginger gave me the funnest gift, I gets a dancey movie wif popcorn an candy efurry monff! Our lake froze! Not by our lake house, cuz we got Canada geese wintering there inna nice liddle thicket. But down at the end where they got it all lighted. We're goin ice skating! We're all ready now fur New Year's Eve dance we're hafing at the Crystal Ballroom, an the New Year party at the 20th Century Guild. What a great time my luff an I are gonna haf! An see the gorgeous new tiaras he bought me? Wowwww. He took me shoppin fur tiaras, mew won't belief this! Look here! >x< Thank mew again, my darlin. Phelicity's makin a page for her an her dates, too. Dates? Yup, she's got two diffurnt dates fur the dance an the party. Stay tuned, she'll link it here. If an when. Mew know how slow she is, mewhehe! An I got my picture took in the candles. (Later) from Phelicity: Here's the page I got all of us on, an our holiday outfits, too.. Holiday Dressing Up (an boys) |