Welcome to my birffday party! I'm so excited to be hafing a birffday! Which one? Wellllllllllll, ummmmm, I think I'll be 12 years old. The fact that I was 12 years old on my last birffday gots nothin to do wif it. I'm 12. I likes that age, gonna keep it. *mewgiggles*
C'mon in! My sisfur Mewsette, E.T. and Ginger got the party room here fur my birffday dinner! |
E.T.: Wonder what's taking the gurls so long.
Mewsette: I dunno, they was dawdlin back there asking questions.
E.T.: I thot they said they were boff starffing.
Mewsette: Well, they always are, mewhehe!
Ginger: So what did the head waiter say? Did he look?
Phelicity: Yup, he did. They doesn't got any blueberry.
Ginger: No blueberry ice cream? Why not?
Phelicity: He said they just sold the last big bucket of it to a kitty couple. (sigh.)
E.T.: Come on over dis way, gurls. What haff we got here!
Mewsette: Happy birffday, Phelicity!
Ginger: Wowies, dere's your fried chicken, an shrimpies, an.. here, take one of dese purrty drinks!
Phelicity: Oooh, *mewgiggles* lookit this! What a purrty birffday cake, I gots to see.... ooooh! Blueberry ice cream!
E.T.: Well, sure we gotcha blueberry! That's what mew wanted.
Phelicity: Thank mew, E.T., thank mew Sisfur! Look Ginger, they was the couple.
Ginger: I know, I didn't wanna spoil the surprise. Uh, Weren't dere more candles on dat cake?
Phelicity: Wellllll, I took some off. Dem was too many, mewhehe!
Mewsette: Okay, as long as mew didn't eat them.
Efurykitty help yourself to good food an drinks, cake an ice cream. We gots plenty!
These are my gorgeous flowers that E.T. sent me. Oh, thank mew!
Look, I gots purrty presents, too. Come an see!
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Oooooh, thank mew, Sisfur. Listen! My beautipurr mewsic box plays "Luff is Blue", can mew hear it? And I luffs my platform high heels!
Thank mew so much E.T. and Ginger, oh, I luffs my furnot-me-gets! They's my fafurite flowers.
An thank mew E.T.! What precious beautifur birdie plates, wow! I luffs these! E.T. found these fur me in Mexico! >x< !
What a purrfect surprise! Thank mew Ginger, I wanted my own liddle ankle bracelet so bad! Oh, what purrty blue stones. I luffs finding new places to wear jewelry, too! *mewgiggles*
Ooooh, look what the florist just delifured, too! E.T. sent me these luffly flowers, oh thank mew! I luffs my ducky they's in, mewhehe!
Lookit my purrty horsie! Thank mew Scully, Fox, Spud and Mercury, that was sweet of mew. I luffs my horsie!

What a beautifur bracelet! Oh thank mew, Zena, Scraps, Neek and Jordan! I luffs blue butterflies, I'm puttin this on right now!

Thank mew furry much Levi and Maggie, fur this cute card! I wants those liddle pink mousies.
Phelicity: I've had the bestest party! Dinner was sooooo good, and my cake is dee-luscious, an bluuuueberry.......
Mewsette: Well, we haf anoffur surprise fur mew, too. What do mew like to do best of all?
Phelicity: I likes to dance best of all! Mew knows that, mewhehe!
E.T.: And what do mew enjoy watching?
Phelicity: Dancin! Always dancin!
Ginger: So what would mew like to see on your birffday if mew could?
Phelicity: Mew's all teasin me. *mewgiggles* What?
Mewsette: We got tickets to take mew to see a purrformance of Riverdance.
Phelicity: Eeek! Ooooooooohhhhh! Thank mew! Right now, tonight? Let's go!
Click on the ticket to join us! But don't leaf yet! Here's a liddle gift to thank mew fur coming to my birffday party. These haf been my fafurite toy since I was a baby (lonnnnggggg ago). I hope it makes mew dance, too.

I hope mew will take a minit to sign my guest book, I nefur had one of my own befur. Thank mew!
Read my DreamBook guestbook!
Sign my DreamBook!
My Birffday Jewel
Each year on our birffdays, our mom gets us a new jewel fur our Queens' jewel boxes. This year I got my sapphire heart wif diamonds around it! Mew can see it in the Queens' Jewels. My box is on top, I'm the liddlest. (An shhhh! I'm really 13 today.)
Now come to Riverdance!
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