Flight of Fancy

by Phelicity

It was the biggest bird I ever saw! All white, with huge long legs and a long, sharp beak.His wings spread out as wide as the big table I was on. He stopped to rest on the big trash can right outside my window.

"Hello, dearie. Getting a bit of sun?" the bird squawked. Oh. It was a she. If birds have grannies, that must be what they sound like.

"Ummm....., err,.." I stuttered. I'd never been spoken to by a giant bird before. Then I saw she had a small blanket under her. "Is that your blankie?" I asked.

"Sure is, dearie. This what I wrap the babies in to deliver them to their new parents."

My wide blue eyes got wider. "Why does mew do that?" I asked her.

"Heehee!" she cackled, "That's my job. I'm a stork. But I only had one to deliver today, and tomorrow's my day off. Think I'll go sightseeing where the sun is warmer than it is here."

"Where would that be?" I mewed.

"My. my, you are full of questions," she twittered. And went on, as she saw me lower my eyes and blush, "That's all right. Ask questions, get answers. That's how you learn. Good girl."

"How does mew know I'm a girl?" I mewgiggled.

The stork cackled long and loud. "Dearie, I'm an expert. It's my business to know those things." Her blankie was blue and it looked soft. I wanted to reach out a paw and touch it, but the screen was in the way. She saw my eyes on it, reached over with her pointy beak, and ripped the bottom of the screen all loose! I backed away. "You can sit on my blanket if you like", she called.

I looked at that strong, pointy beak. "Is mew gonna peck me?"

"Oh, of course not, dearie. I may be big, but I'd never hurt you. Storks have to be very trustworthy and gentle, you know." So I crept slowly through the big flap in the screen to jump over and sit on the blankie. Oh my, it was soft.

"My name's Madeline," the stork said. "What's yours, dearie?" I told her my name is Fancy, which it is. "What do you weigh, little Fancy?" she asked. "Doesn't look like much to me."

"My mommy says I weigh seven pounds," I replied. Did she cock her head at me? Real quizzical? "My mommy's a human", I explained.

Did she raise her eyebrows? Well, she would have if she had any. But she only said, "That's just what I'm used to carrying. How would you like to come with me and see some pretty sights?"

"But...but...well,....umm," I stammered, as Madeline folded first one, then the other blankie corner over my paws. She stopped, cocked her big head at me, and waited. "My mommy will miss me", I mewed.

"That human who just drove away in the car?" she asked. "We'll be back before she gets home." She folded the third blankie corner up over my head, but I could see her little black eyes twinkling. "Okay," I gulped. "What I gotta do?"

"Just lie down and get comfy," she said, lifting the fourth blankie corner. So I did, and I felt her drape it over me and gather all four corners in her beak. Then I heard her giant wings flutter and whisper loud, and felt myself lifted up into the air!

"Dick your head oud da side", she hollered with a beak full of blankie, and I did. Swoosh! We lifted way above the elm trees - all of me but my tummy! My tummy soon caught up, though; I was so enchanted with all the beautiful sights below. Flowering trees that looked like balls of pink or white feathers from up high, little bitty houses and, in the distance, a bright blue lake!

"You eder see da ocean?" Madeline croaked.

"N..n...no, I nefur did," I mewed breathlessly. "Is that it?"

"Naahh", she replied, "Hold on!" Well, I dug my claws into that blankie and rested my chin on the side opening just in time. Swooosh again, and we flew even higher.

The sun was brighter and warmer. We flew over little tiny cities and patches of brown earth and green grass, and then I saw the white tops of some high mountains! "Eeeek!" I squeaked, "those are big!" Soon we dipped and flew lower, and I could see a riot of colors down there. It must have been a jillion miles of flower gardens, pink, red and purple, yellow, white and blue. Oh, it was beautiful!

Up ahead was big stretches of sandy looking ground, and deep, dark green patches of growth that seemed to be steaming, then more sandy stuff, and then.... I saw it! It covered the whole edge of the world, all greenish blue with white foam and dark shadows rolling and moving on it! The ocean! Madeline swooped low, lower, with the earth and ocean rising up to meet me, and I squealed and closed my eyes!

Then I felt something solid under me, and Madeline scrabbled about, folding her wings. I peeked out. We was on a roof top. The sun was warm and nice, the whole world was pink and blue and sandy, and the ocean was purring! It had a low, swishy, rumbly purr. "I didn't know the ocean could purr!" I mewed in wonder.

Madeline cocked her head at me. "Well, I guess all the best things can purr, little Fancy," she said. She flew down without me and brought back a nice fresh fish. We shared it for dinner. We watched the sun roll lower in the sky, turning it pink and gold and red, shimmering on the far edge of the ocean.

"It's getting late!" she croaked suddenly, and hurriedly gathered the four blankie corners again. We lifted off with a turn, and started away from the glorious ocean. I got so dreamy and sleepy, I think I slept and purred all the way home. Before I knew it, I was plopped on the trash can outside my window again. I yawned and stretched, wiggled my tail, and looked at Madeline. She looked furry pleased. Did she smile? Well, if storks could smile, she would have.

"Thank mew for that wonderful adventure, and showing me the ocean!" I meowed.

"Thank you for the company, little Fancy," she croaked, gathered her blankie, and wafted herself gracefully into the air. I crept back in my window and watched till she was out of sight. Then I heard my mommy calling me. I jumped off the table and ran to tell her about it. Oh, how I wish she could understand me!