First of all permit me to say I have told my story to others before and the response
was always that it made them stop and think that when they thought they were going
through a difficult time, it made them realize that they were very fortunate.
Having a bad day? his might make you appreciate things you take for granted in your
life. That is my purpose in telling my story here. And I hope members of this group
will share theirs too. Let's all try to be positive and appreciate life!
I have had MS since Dec.97, thought I had the flu at first. I believe this "bug" was the catalyst to my MS. Family Dr, sent me to a neurologist and I was finally diagnosed in
Aug.98. I went down hill so fast and so badly all of the many Drs. I saw told me that I
had the worst case they'd seen. I could no longer easily dress or feed myself.
My hands could not hold a pen let alone silverware. My parents had power of attorney
for me in order to pay my bills. My speech became affected and no one but my dear
mom could understand me. Well, God found me the best neurologist, who is one of
the original Drs. to come up with a treatment called plasmapheresis to treat MS (or
blood transfer, kind of similiar to dialysis, I am told). After 2 yrs in a wheelchair, I
began treatment in 2000. Not only am I walking again, I can even dance!
And more to my story previous to my MS diagnosis. Back in 1987 I was hit as a
pedestrian by a car, crossing the street. I was told then that drs. weren't sure if I
would make it or not. My poor parents. (I can imagine how I would feel if it were one of
my kids.) My left leg suffered a broken femur (thigh bone). Imagine a glass dropped
on the floor and shattered. That is how my leg was described. The femur was
shattered. I was told I would never walk again! God who knows all things, knew I
would need to get that leg working again because later on MS would take out my
entire right side. Bone grafting was done not once but twice. They took bone from my
hip and then later from my other hip to make sure enough bone was growing back.
I will tell you it was the nost terribly painful experience you can ever possibly imagine.
I used to dream often of the florescent lights passing over me as I was wheeled into
the hospital. Being out at night became difficult with approaching headlights
transforming me back into that all too real nightmare.
Well the happy ending to my tedious story is that ladies at my church call me their
"miracle girl" and I believe I am a miracle too. teehee I am quite literally a "walking
I danced at my oldest son's wedding in 2002 and my daughter's in June
2005. God willing someday I will dance at my youngest son's wedding, even though
that may be yrs from now LoL. He has a serious girlfriend who wants to be a
pediatrician. So college must be first for them.
Of course every patient is different, so keep in mind that treatment is
different for everyone. It has been a miracle from God for me! I thank God for giving me
my life back! I try to remember to thank HIM daily that I have a normal life back again,
walking and talking like anybody else. Of course, I joke that what is normal? I think I
have never been "normal" if that means being average. LoL I think I am special
because God has made me special. God has made YOU special. Never forget that!
I sure hope I didn't bore you. LoL
May God bless you and keep you!
Sincerely, Jules
from Wisconsin
(Please note that God has shown me a way to share his word with a Christian group on Yahoo. I invite all to check it out and join to share the many biblical files we have. Members try to be there for each other by Caring and Sharing...our motto.