

This is Ruth,
You have been praying for her for quite some time now. She is battling lung cancer for the 3rd time. The doctors only gave her until the end of the summer of 2005 to live. She has outlived all of their predictions and is still hanging on, but it is getting harder for her each and every day. Ruth is still trying to stay busy to keep herself going.

Her and her husband founded Buenas Vidas Youth Ranch which is a home for boys in California. Their organization has been in the community for many many years and they have done a lot of good for the community. The Youth Ranch has grown to include a thrift store and funds are raised through bingo and other government grants to keep the ranch operating.

Please keep her in your prayers. Also please pray for comfort for her family and friends.

Ruth received the ultimate healing from the Lord when she passed away peacefully in her sleep on October 27, 2006. Please pray for comfort for those who she left behind.

Tribute to Ruth

Posted 07/06

Buenas Vidas Youth Ranch
Buenas Vidas Thrift Store

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