
My name is Lissa and this is my husband Bobby. We have 5 beautiful children together and I have a older son who is 18 from a previous marriage. I just gave my life over to the LORD on 8-27-06. It is the best decision I have ever made in my life. Bobby is an alcoholic, but I firmly believe that he will turn his life over to GOD. I just don't know when,but I KNOW it is going to happen. Please keep us in your prayers. GOD can do ALL things
Have a very blessed day in Jesus Name I pray.
Thank you,

Posted 01/07

Update 4/07

Bobby got out of jail on Feb.23, and has not touched a drop of alcohol since and I just give GOD all the praise and all of the glory for it!!!!!!!!! My husband even told me the other day that he thanks GOD everyday for taking the bottle away from him. He is not saved yet but I know it is coming, I don't know when but I KNOW it is coming!!!!!!! So please continue to pray for us. He just went back to work last Thursday after being out of work for 3 weeks cuz of an old injury that is causing him major pain. But GOD answered that prayer so he's now back to work ,My choir group at church is praying that GOD will be on Bobby's mind so hard and on his heart that he will not even be able to sleep and that is fine with me!!!

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