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Background song is "Does Jesus Care"
There is One Who Cares
There is One whom we can lean upon
In time of deep despair.
He knows our many heartaches,
He sees our every care.
There is one who sees each tear that falls
And feels each throbbing pain;
He longs to draw us close to Him
And revive our soul again.
Dear friend, this One I tell you of,
Sweet Jesus is His name;
No matter what besets the soul
He’s always just the same.
So lean upon His strength today,
He’ll bring you safely through,
For when the night seems the darkest
His love will rescue you. By: Barbara Thompson Young
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.