![](http://domania.us/SwordSisters/Jpg2/Creation.jpg) Background song is "All Things Bright and Beautiful"
God’s Extras
God could have made the sun to rise
Without such splendor in the skies,
He could have made the sun to set
Without a glory greater yet.
He could have made the corn to grow
Without the sunny, golden glow’
The fruit without those colors bright,
So pleasant to the taste and sight.
He could have made the ocean roll
Without such music for the soul ~
The mighty anthem, loud and strong ~
And birds without their clear, sweet song.
The God, who fashioned flow’rs and trees,
Delights to give us things that please,
And all His handiwork so fair
His glory and His love declare.
Yes, He Who made the earth and skies
Gave “extras” for our ears and eyes,
And while my heart with rapture sings,
I thank Him for the “extra things.”
By: Margaret K. Frazer
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
Please keep my son, Allen, in your prayers.
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