We’re surrounded by so many things
Of wonder and of worth
Created by our King of Kings
A Heaven right here on earth.
And, as we look about
And view all things that be
His work in every earthly thing
Proof of Eternity.
Take winter with its magic spell
A landscape clothed in white
Or the summer breeze we love so well
Whispering softly thru the night.
All things are here by His creation
Land, the water and our birth
Our every sense His illustration
Of perfection here on earth.
The awesome marvel of it all
By our architect Supreme
This haven created for one and all
Where life would be the theme.
We honor Him and offer thanks
For each blessing He bestowed
The teachings of His Savior Son
For all the only road. By: Joseph G. Pearce
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
Please keep my son, Allen, in your prayers.
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.