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Background song is "He Keeps Me Singing"
Give Me a Song
Lord give me a song to lift my soul,
When muscles shrink and dreams grow old,
A melody whose words ring true,
In “this vale of tears’ I’m walking though.
Lord give me a song that’s made to share
With lonely people everywhere,
Joyous notes on wings that reach
Into the private lives of each.
Lord give me a song that gathers up
Life’s sweetest memories in its cup,
Of gentle faces, and a host
Of things now gone but never lost.
Lord give me a song to make my day
A better one in every way,
Fill it with thanks to You who bring
So much of which we ought to sing.
Lord give me a song when skies are grey,
And it looks like winter’s here to stay.
When the rain runs down my window pane,
And it seems the sun won’t shine again.
How well I can recall the saying,
That “he who sings is doubly praying”,
My words might be too low to hear,
But I know a song will reach Your ear.
Lord give me a song that never ends,
And as each silver note ascends,
Perhaps some stranger passing by,
Might gain new courage, such as I.
I do not ask for wealth and such,
For earthly goods don’t matter much,
I lonely pray I may be given
A song, to sing me into Heaven. By: Grace E. Easley
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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