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Background song is "Have You Any Room for Jesus"
Who Is This Man Named Jesus?
Have you ever stopped to wonder
Just where you would be.
If God had not sent Jesus
For such as you and me?
God made many wonders
And when He was done ~
He knew that there would be the day
He'd send His only Son.
He planned the miracle of birth
For all this world to see.
The story is as new right now
Of what He did for you ~ and me!
This is the way that God works
Wonders for you and me.
To think the blood of Jesus
Is "the promise" that we see.
Jesus died on Calvary that day
A long, long time ago.
Yes His blood is just as fresh
For those of us below.
Jesus knew the Cross would mean
He'd walk this earth no more.
Yet, He arose to walk again ~
In those old days of yore.
Today He could be the stranger
You pass without a smile.
Perhaps one of your children
Who needs you for a while.
Life is so very busy
As we wander here and there.
Not even thinking Jesus
Is always everywhere!
Now I don't know the way you feel,
But this I'll share - I know ~
That on that Cross He died for me
It matters not how long ago!
I hope you too remember
This "heritage" we share
Tis only because God sent His son
To always be right there!
Right there whenever needed ~
He's but a breath away.
Close your eyes and He is there
Knowing already what you have to say.
He knows sometimes it can be hard
And how can He explain ~
He was the only perfect man.
And Jesus is His name.
Tonight as I close my eyes
And say my evening prayer
I can only hope that you
Will do the same ~ somewhere.
Once you understand Him
You'll never feel alone.
And one day He will come, my dear
And take you gently home. Poetry by Mary Anne
@Mary Anne Ray
February 15, 2006
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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