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Background song is "This is My Father's World"

GOD's Touch of Wonder

Dawn tenderly touches the darkened earth
Night shadows silently melt away
Then the sun bursts over the horizon
GOD’s touch of wonder displayed.

Dew drops dance and glisten like diamonds
Dawn’s brilliance cannot be contained
Morning glories proudly unfold their splendor
GOD’s touch of wonder sustained.

A sparrow soars til the clouds engulf him
Then descends to sing me his songs
Of dawn and a new beginning
GOD’s touch of wonder to me belongs.

As the miracle of dawn is unfolding
In awe and humility I pray
For awareness of warmth, song, and splendor of
GOD’s touch of wonder…. Today!!!

BY: Dorothy Leonard Sharpe

GOD Bless
Sonya and Lourie

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