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Background song is "Somewhere Out There"

Praying For My Friend

Praying For My Friend
Dear Jesus as I kneel in prayer
I always know You're waiting there
It matters not what I might ask
For only You can do each task

I have a dear and loving friend
Who needs You desperately again
Her health declining through the years
Yet she smiles right through the tears

She kneels there at Your alter
Knowing that You will never falter
I know You hear her as she prays
I know she doesn't miss a day

She places all in Your loving hands
Knowing that You will understand
Today ~ Unconscious ~ so I pray
On her behalf - knowing what she'd say

Thy will be done for You alone
Can heal her or lift her up to Home
My prayer is peace which is Your plan
I know she's reaching for Your hand

Thank you, Jesus, once again
For loving us ~ forgiving sin
Jesus, I leave her here - you see
This precious friend You've
shared with me.


By: Mary Anne (All rights reserved)
@April 2006

GOD Bless
Sonya and Lourie

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