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Background song is "Living By Faith"
Live With Faith
When all we own is lost to fate
And dreams have gone astray,
We learn (for first) how little we need
To live from day to day
And ~ for the “lightning strikes” of life ~
We learn to live with grief and strife.
A truth is born of life’s despairs
Whose heartaches make it known
That what we build and sow on earth
we never, truly, own;
And dreams and treasures of today,
Tomorrow’s storms might sweep away.
But we must not condemn our GOD
For trials of land and sea
That wreck our dreams and test the loves
He willed to you and me,
It is ~ for us ~ to build, a new,
Where castles stood and flowers grew.
Our faith in GOD must never wane
To furies of our time
He often lets the blossom die
To save the mother vine.
It is not meant for us to know
Which seeds we sow He means to grow.
It is ~ for us ~ to live with faith
Through calms and storms of life
And lift ourselves from our defeats,
To face each newer strife.
And, in each trial of life’s despair,
To trust in GOD ~ with love and prayer. by: Michael Dubina
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.