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Background song is "A Mighty Fortress is Our GOD"
GOD of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea
GOD of the earth, the sky, the sea,
Maker of all above, below
Creation lives and moves in Thee;
Thy present life through all doth flow.
Thy love is in the sun-shine’s glow,
Thy life is in the quickening air;
When lightning’s flash and storm winds blow,
There is Thy power, Thy law is there.
We feel Thy calm at evening’s hour,
Thy grandeur in the march of night,
And when the morning breaks in power,
We hear Thy word, “Let there be light.”
But higher far, and far more clear,
The in man’s spirit we behold,
Thine image and Thyself are there, ~
The in-dwelling GOD, proclaimed of old. BY: Samuel Longfellow
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.