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Background song is "Thank You Lord"
A Cross in the Ditch
Written with much love for Joe
As I drive this highway
I can't help but think
Each and everyday
How you could have been,
In the blink of an eye,
A cross in the ditch
That I so sadly drive by.
How GOD must have felt
As He watched the hand
Cruel fate dealt.
To protect you from being
A cross in the ditch
That I keep seeing.
The wings you have earned
Not easily did come.
The lesson you had learned
Was the hardest of all
For the cross Jesus did bear
Up Calvary's Hill that day
Showed how GOD did care.
After all of your strife
Pain and suffering
GOD gave you light and life,
For this I give Praise!
Like the unfortunate some.
A cross in the ditch
You did not become.
By: Lisa Cline 12-27-2000
GOD Bless Sonya and Lourie
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