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Background song is "Trusting Jesus"
Perfect Trust
I may not always know the way
Wherein GOD leads my feet.
But this I know, that round my path
His love and wisdom meet.
And so I rest content to know
He guides my feet where’er I go.
I may not always understand
Just why He sends to me
Some bitter grief, some heavy loss
But though I cannot see
I kneel and whisper through my tears
A prayer for help, and know He hears.
My cherished plans and hopes may fail,
My idols turn to dust,
But this I know; My Father’s love
Is always safe to trust.
These things are dear to me, but still
Above them all I love His will.
Oh precious peace within my heart.
Oh blessed rest to know
A Father’s love keeps constant watch
Amid life’s ebb and flow.
I ask no more than this: I rest
Content and know His way is best. Author Unknown to Me
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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