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12 Rules for Passing the Course of Life

1. You have received a body. It may or may not be what you would have wanted, but it is yours, so make the best of it. Obviously you did not make yourself, so there is an overall scheme and One who thought up the whole thing.

2. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Lessons are free, but very costly. Passing this Course is more important than anything else. Pay attention.

3. Lessons do not come at a convenient time. Just when you think you've mastered one lesson you will be tested so that any deficiencies will become apparent. Then you will receive additional opportunities to learn. Keep smiling.

4. Mistakes you make may be very useful. Realize it takes special skill to identify cause and effect, and to acknowledge ownership of the mistake.

5. You will discover that practically everything is beyond your control. Relax, this is for your own good, so that you don't mess it up totally.

6. Others are also enrolled in the Course of Life. Keep your eyes open. You may profit from considering the outcome of their efforts. They may also be able to give you some pointers on the Course of Life, but they cannot live your life for you.

7. It doesn't matter where you are. Don't worry, there will be sufficient lessons ready and tailor made for you.

8. You have to do by yourself, alone. Interspersed with daylight will be a number of hours of natural darkness. You are welcome to take advantage of this phenomenon and give your body rest. This frees your eyes from looking around and allows you to look within. A still small voice may speak to you at times. Listen up.

9. Surrounding you is a complete University of Life. There are many interesting things to learn, but note that the main point of it is to point you to the Giver of Life.

10. Since the Giver of Life set the boundaries and rules for the Course of Life He has a vested interest in getting you to pass. He has a way of blotting out your mistakes.

11. You will never reach perfection, by anyone's definition. That is how it is supposed to be, otherwise you would turn aside from your Maker. His love and grace are free and available during your Course of Life, but you must choose if you want them. Not to say Yes means you are saying No. (Watch out! This would be an unhealthy thing to do!)

12. There are no formal examinations to pass at the end. Sooner or later your body will be recalled by your Maker. Hopefully you invited Him into your life before exiting this world. Then you will enter a completely new phase of Life and put on a spiffy new body which is good forever. You can really celebrate!

— By: Elaine Hardt ©1993

Study to show thyself
approved unto GOD.....
2 Timothy 2:15

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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