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Background song is "A Shelter in the Time of Storm"
My Worry
A little bitty worry
Started early in the day;
By noon, it seemed my worry
Hovered, standing in my way.
The things and thoughts I should have had
Got buried in my mind,
Until my little worry turned
Into the horrid kind.
By bedtime, I was frantic ~
What to do, oh, what to do!
And then I couldn’t go to sleep,
For worrying ~ fretting, too.
By morning I was almost sick,
When suddenly and soon,
My worry had been all worked out
Before the toll of noon.
Then I looked back and saw my worry
Just for what it was ~
A thing that didn’t happen,
As a worry seldom does. by: Bonnie Daisy Nelson
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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