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I came upon a child of God
Knowing this - I felt her stare.
Then she spoke and what she told me ~
Was, "He isn't everywhere"!

She went on to tell her story.
I listened as she bared her soul.
Telling me one day she called Him.
He never came - so I was told.

She told me how she'd come to doubt Him ~
She'd called Him times when in despair.
Even though she'd knelt to call Him ~
He just wasn't anywhere!

He'd not blessed her or her family.
Times had been quite hard, you see.
Told me of the tears she'd even shed.
I wondered, why is she telling me?

Then God took over and He gave me
Many things I knew to share ~
How He'd saved me at His alter.
The devil lurking everywhere.

I began to tell my story.
I had so many I could share.
How He'd carried me thru sickness ~
How He'd answered EVERY prayer.

As she listened, I could feel her ~
Pulling herself away from me.
Twas the devil who was lurking.
As he's done so much, you see.

I told her when I got to know Him ~
REALLY know him I remember ~
He had sent one of his angels ~
To "lift" my child, and it was September.

I told her how my heart was angry.
I too was in deep despair.
Why was it that he'd picked my child?
For there were children everywhere!

I cried, I searched and in my mind ~
There were screams of "Nooooooooo" I'd hear.
It seemed I could find no solace
And I had searched everywhere!

Then, one day, God sent an angel.
A very special one He had.
Who told me I should be "rejoicing" ~
I was no longer to be sad.

He shared with me this message ~
One that I MUST know.
Somethings I could not handle!
And I had to let them "go".

He told me how to do that.
He told me what to say.
To go to the Cross of Jesus ~
And there to let it stay!

No cross to have to carry.
No more tears to cry.
No more voices screaming.
No more wondering "why?"

I found the peace I hungered for.
And, dear one, you will too.
If only you will heed my words ~
And know what you must do!

Remember God does listen.
Remember, God does care.
And "if you don't see His answer" ~
Doesn't mean He wasn't there!

For He has plans for each of us.
He wants you to know today.
The answer isn't always ~
The one we're seeking as we pray.

There are no unanswered prayers, God said ~
He answers each and every one.
We are saved by "grace" alone.
Because He sent His son.

So, go my child to Jesus.
And as your knelling there ~
Know deeply in your heart of hearts
God always answers prayer.

I've never seen this child again.
Yet I know that she is fine.
For once you've made that "journey" ~
You can leave the grief behind.

No more cross to carry.
No more grief to bare.
If you think He is not with you ~
He is! For He is everywhere!

©margodschild ^j^

This message is from Mary Anne
Dedicated to the many who search for God ~ and because they "hear" no words ~ nor "see" anything ~ they think He is not there. This is a lesson I learned for sure ~ never to forget ~ when I lost my son, Michael, in September 2001. I know that God is there ALWAYS there for each of us. I hope this blesses you.
mar ^j^

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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