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Take Time
Take a little time, each day ~
In between the times you pray ~
To perform some Christian deed
That will serve another's need.
Jesus blesses us with Grace,
For each kindness we embrace
That will dry another's tears
Or make hunger disappear. Maybe you can help some child ~
Crying for a hugging smile ~
Or befriend and aimless soul,
Searching for some worthy goal;
Does not matter what you do ~
That is of a Christian hue ~
Only that you try, each day,
To serve Jesus, in some way. by: Michael Dubina
...let us love one another; because love is of GOD. 1 John 4:7
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya Award received from Jim Keeling Ministries
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.