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GOD Holds the Key

GOD holds the key to tomorrow,
We know not what it may bring,
Could be a day bright and sunny,
Happiness riding dawn's wing.
Could hear again the birds singing,
Joyful a day it could be.
But, GOD alone knows that answer,
And He alone holds the key.

Heartache may come with the morrow,
Turbulent could be life's sea.
Life is uncertain. 'Tis best that
Only today we can see.
GOD in His infinite wisdom,
Protecting us with His care,
Gives us one day only,
That's all He asks that we bear.

One day at a time our portion
To live the best that we can.
Strength for the day He hath promised.
One day at a time is His plan.
Life doesn't seem such a struggle,
Mountains are easier to climb.
Peace fills our hearts when we're living
Taking one day at a time.

And if trials come, GOD will be there,
Just as He's helped us today,
Ready to share all our burdens,
Guiding us o'er rocky ways.
Oh, there's such a comfort in knowing
Whate'er our future shall be
GOD keeps it safe in His tending,
And He alone hold the key.

by: Beverly J. Anderson

If anyone wished to come after Me,
he must take up his cross daily
and follow Me.
Luke 9:23

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

Award received from

Jim Keeling Ministries

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