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If I tried to paint a picture
With a hundred thousand words
Of the wonders of Creation,
They have all before been heard.
It is wonderful, magnificent,
So beautiful, so grand,
Spectacular, and mighty,
Is the power of GOD’s Hand.
I have seen a bird in motion
Seem to hover in the air,
And I wonder at the mystery
Of the forces that holds him there .
I have seen the mighty ocean
As it rolls against the shore,
Casting waves with constant rhythm
With a mighty thundering roar.
I have flown above a mountain
With a crown of glacial snow,
It has worn for countless ages
From the storms of long ago.
I have seen the radiant heavens
At the dawn of a new day;
I have seen the twinkling starlight
As the day is tucked away.
I have been enthralled by Autumn
In October’s golden dress;
I have heard the song of April
In the Springtime’s loveliness.
I could never do Him justice
For the beauty of this land,
But Creation paints perfection
Of the wonder of GOD’s Hand.
by: Rebecca Jacques Britt
GOD Bless Lourie and Sonya
We are planning on starting a new selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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