I Am the Way, the Truth, the Light

I am the way, the truth, the light
I am the bliss on summer night.

I am the wind, the sun, the rain
I am the splash on windowpane.

I am the sleet, the hail, the snow
I am the mighty winds that blow.

I am the fog, the mist, the dew
I am the rainbow shining through.

I am the tree, the grass, the vine
I am the fragrance in the wine.

I am the pond, the lake, the sea
I am the buzzing honey bee.

I am the stars, the moon, the sky
I am the eagle flying high.

I am the rose, the hue, the spring
I am the tiny birds that sing.

I am the width, the breath, the height
I am the way, the truth, the light.

Written By:
Marilyn Ferguson

GOD Bless
Lourie and Sonya

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