Daddy Grizz

Daddy Grizz is my father-in-law. He is a wonderful man. He has Parkinson's Disease and many other health problems. Due to these health problems he has a very hard time walking for any distance, so therefore works on his Native American crafts for long periods of the day.

His hands shake so badly that I don't like to watch him eat because I am afraid he is going to poke his fork through his mouth. But when he is doing Native American crafts his hands are so steady that he can paint even the most intricate detail. He works for hours every day on his crafts and does the most beautiful work.

I have spent hours working with him. This page is dedicated to him as a thank you for all that he has taught me. I would not trade the time that I have spent with him for anything in this world.

Daddy Grizz, I love you !! May GOD Bless you and yours, always.

Check back later for pictures of his work.

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