<font size="+4" color="red">WARNING WARNING</font><br><font color="maroon"> Hit Cmd and R key at the same time.<br> WebTV still hasn't fixed the WebTV java script bug! <P></font>

Here is a Cute Easy Tag to do

Take this Blank to a IM

I used Arbor IM

~Cats Blank~

Now the Font


Mine was At North+0+25

Fill=darkgreen and Stroke=tan4

Den=72 and width=1

Size=75 For My Name

Make Your Name Big



Put Your Name So The Mistletoe

Is Up There to the Holly

Now If You Doing The Frame

Color=green and 15x15+5+5

Now Resize to 375 height

Both of the Tags are

Do output

Singlefile and jpg

Now TL it

I Love These Cats They are So Cute

If You do one Show Us....
