<font size="+4" color="red">WARNING WARNING</font><br><font color="maroon"> Hit Cmd and R key at the same time.<br> WebTV still hasn't fixed the WebTV java script bug! <P></font>

Here is a Cute and Pretty Tag 2 Make

Take This Black Bg to a IM

I used Mr Christy IM

~Black BG~

Now Do the Green Frame

It is Cap O in Box


Size=465 and Den=72 and Width=10

NO FILL and Stroke=green

~Font 4 Frame~

Now Comp the Flowers


~Flowers Corner~

Now Comp the Frogs



Resize to 375x375

It Would Not Let me Do the Name Font

So I Did Output Singlefile and jpg

Do the Name Font

Fill=yellow and Stroke=green4

South -60+5

Den=72 and Width=1 Size=35 For My Name

~Font 4 Name~

I Did It Another Way....

I Comp The Flowers Did Flop

Comp the Flowers Again

Did The Font at South+0+0

Then Comp The Frogs

Did Output Singlefile and jpg

I Like it Both Ways...


If You Want The Butterfly To Put in a Table
